Ste Ashton, MD nexGworx, “5G So What? A Testbed’s view on Industry 4.0 and the future with nexGworx” – Speaking at the Tommy Flowers Network event: Smart Connected Manufacturing
nexGworx proudly sponsors Tommy Flowers Network event: Smart Connected Manufacturing
Our work with West Midlands 5G
Transforming manufacturing productivity at AE Aerospace
What do the team at AE Aerospace think of the 5G Project?
AE Aerospace launches 5G trials with WM5G to transform manufacturing productivity
The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) trials 5G private network
Worcestershire 5G
Worcestershire 5G – End of Project Review
Worcestershire 5G technology testing
Worcestershire 5G Consortium – Pioneering Industry 4.0
Worcestershire 5G Consortium – Yamazaki Mazak Case Study
Worcestershire 5G Consortium – Worcester Bosch Case Study
Worcestershire LEP Virtual Conference 2020 – Digital & Physical Infrastructure (Join Ste and Andy of Worcestershire 5G talking at the WLEP conference 2020 – from 32.36)
The WINN Show S1E6 – Being Digitally Smart (Ste Ashton joins episode 6 of the Winn Show to talk about what Worcestershire 5G means for Worcestershire, Ste joins the show at 23 minutes)
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