21st – 23rd June
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Industries operating today may all be different but they face a common challenge as we head towards the 4th industrial evolution.
This summer Tommy Flowers Network (TFNetwork) in partnership with Worcestershire 5G explores this challenge and the technologies involved including Cyber Security, 5G, Internet of Things and AI that play their part in this amazing transformation.
Join us and our lead sponsor Worcestershire 5G for three days to explore the importance, opportunities and challenges of Smart Connected Manufacturing, and real world activities and deep dives.
Day 1
Prof Tim Whitley, MD, Applied Research and MD Adastral Park, will open the conference!
After that we’ll hear from a range of senior government and industry speakers on the importance of Smart Connected Manufacturing for the UK. We’ll explore both the opportunities and challenges. Will it lead to an increase in productivity driven by new capital investments and data driven insights? How do we make sure that with “connectivity” we don’t encounter issues over security and cyber threats? What role does big data have to play to benefit the industry as a whole?
Day 2
We’ll hear about real world activities in Smart Connected Manufacturing from the likes of the High Value Manufacturing clusters and its partners.
We’ll debate questions such as how do we accelerate innovation out of the clusters and into the rest of UK manufacturing? What support do we need from government to make this acceleration of manufacturing innovation happen? What do we need manufacturing supply chain partners to be focussed on?
Day 3
We’ll take a more in-depth look at some of the research and challenges relating to Smart Connected Manufacturing; explore issues around security and trust and also look at example business cases for Smart Connected Manufacturing
Our panel debate will focus on building the business case and will discuss questions such as where do you start in order to build a case? What is the role of the ‘Test Bed As a Service’ capability? What are the key elements of a strong business case?
Meet our conference sponsor